Any of our team leaders will be happy to talk to you about their role,
and how you could join them in service to our parish community,
and the wider local community, though our outreach efforts.
Parish Priest
Mgr. Bernard Massey
Mgr Bernard has over 35 years of experience of running and building up parishes. He spent 5 years as an Army Chaplain in the 1990’s. He has led 8 parishes in our Diocese and has been a Trustee of the Diocese for over 15 years.
Parish Deacons
Deacon Andrew Bent
Deacon Bart Kowalewski
Andrew is a single man who has lived in Bristol for over 30 years. He has a great deal of experience with working with the sick and dying. 
Bart is a father of 2 teenagers, 1 child at Primary school and 1 child still at home.
So he is very aware of the pressures on families today. 
Office Manager
Joanna Adamek
Joanna originates from Poland but has been in the UK for many years.   As a  mother of 3, she knows first hand the everyday pressure of parish/family and work life. She is in the office Mon – Fri 9.00 – 1.00 (during school term times)
Funeral Coordinator
Linda Spong
Linda has been in the parish for over 30 years and knows so many of our families. With her great pastoral sensitivity she is a helpful guide in dealing with funerals of loved ones.
She is also one of our visitors to the sick and housebound.
Sunday Morning Worship
Angela Parry
Angela is a great leader of our Sunday morning worship group of musicians and singers. If you play an instrument or want to sing with our choir then Angela will make you feel welcome.
Sunday Evening Worship
Clare Gallagher
Clare has a beautiful singing voice and leads our Sunday evening musicians and singers. If you play an instrument or want to sing with the evening choir then Clare will make you feel welcome
Parish Treasurer
Clare Gallagher
Clare gives of her time to keep the parish finances running smoothly. She is generally in the Parish Office on a Friday afternoon. If it’s anything to do with money then she is the person to speak to.
Baptism Coordinator 
Deacon Bart Kowalewski
Another of our team who originates from Poland. Bart is a father of 4 children so
knows all about Baptisms. He runs our Baptism preparation programme. This is specially tailored for each family to meet their specific needs.